Introduction to Hotel Revenue Management

  • Author: DCT
  • Level: Introduction
  • Study time: 4 hours
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Correct implementation of Hotel Revenue Management has the ability to substantially increase a venue’s sales whilst also increasing overall profitability. By the end of this course, you will be able to evaluate your hotel performance, define a basic room revenue forecast, define overbooking limits, create a basic dynamic rate structure to support your hotel room revenue maximisation.
This course offers an easy-to-follow step by step guide to monitor your hotel room revenue performance and various tools and strategies at your disposal to maximize it. 

Complete the course quizzes for a DCT-Online Certificate of Completion.
  • Video time: 14 lessons
  • Exams: Five Quizzes

What you will learn


The basic concepts relevant to Hotel Revenue Management


The 8 major KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) used in Hotel Revenue Management


How to use the 8 major KPIs in calculations that are central to the discipline


The basics of forecasting, pricing and yielding using availability controls


Strategic approaches to price-setting and overbooking while taking distribution into account


The role of technology in Hotel Revenue Managementhe Front Office
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