Travel Agency Operations

  • Author: DCT
  • Level: Introduction
  • Study time: 4 hours
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This course will help you understand the role of a travel agent and to gain a familiarity with key industry terminology. The course covers the different procedures undertaken in a travel agency in relation to travel bookings: from the initial quotation stage through to the time of travel. You will explore the various types of enquiries and proposals that are common within the industry, alongside developing the skills and knowledge required to prepare quotations, book supplier products and services and process travel related documentation.

Complete the course quizzes for a DCT-Online Certificate of Completion.
  • Video time: 22 lessons
  • Exams: Six Quizzes

What you will learn


How to ask potential customers appropriate and relevant questions in order to gather necessary information for a travel proposal


How to respond to customer enquires with all the relevant travel proposal documentation


How to process bookings for products and services. a Front Office role


 Common Travel Agency terminologies


Core communication techniques used in Travel Agencies


How to perform the financial calculations that are routinely used by travel agents